Category Archives: School

So much has happened….

but such little time to write!!  School is incredible…and scary all at the same time.  We all just got back from a fantastic trip from Monterey/San Jose.  The weather was perfect and the kids loved the beach.  My little girl, bless her innocent little heart.  So there we are, Cheyenne and I, in the public restroom at Santa Cruz.  We had just ran off the beach that she had buried her body in so that she could go “pee.”  As she was in the stall you could hear her singing.  She loves to sing in a bathroom (it echos duh!!).  Out of nowhere she says, in her loudest big girl voice, “MOM, theres sand in my agina!!!!”  No that is not a mispelled word, that is how my lovely, innocent little girl says vagina…..LOVE IT!!  I heard quite a few woman chuckle and I too laughed and said, Oh…I should have warned you of that, sorry.  Of course she wasn’t finished….she says, why is there sand in my agina mom?  I explained it just has an uncanny ability to find it’s way everywhere.  It was soooo cute.  After the restroom we chased the BIGGEST flock of seagulls I’ve ever seen.  It was perfect.

We have M for a little while this summer.  It’s been soooo hard.  J is really twisting his mind.  To the point he would rather play baseball than go to California to see his grandparents.  She has him convinced we are keeping him from living his life.  He’s now afraid to stay home alone with me and wants to stay with her family friends, because he isn’t supposed to be home with me for more than 4 hours…..WHAT???  And he only becomes upset and cries/yells/argues with us when we tell him otherwise.  I feel like it’s starting to rip us all apart at times, but I know that is the reason for it.  J wants us to give up….well hun….yeah were like spandex the five of us.  We bend, adjust, widen and SNAP right back into place….:)

Off to write some papers but wanted to check in with everyone.  Signed up for LSAT preparation course that will take place in Aug…..*sigh*……I’ll kick it’s ASS!!!!


Filed under Family Time, My thoughts, Relationships, School


K called and apologized immensely!!  She admitted she was wrong and she actually took the time to talk.  Our problem is lack of communication, and I think she got the full view of what I’ve talking about.  I send the kids there on Sunday, and I have a better feeling about it now, then I did a month ago.  Sometimes it takes a major issue blowing up to come to a resolution.  Andy called numerous times throughout the ordeal freaking out.  Over and over I explained that this issue is not ours, it’s K and I’s.  He finally got it, backed out and let us handle it.  Sheesh, life is crazy sometimes.  As far as J, well I think we are close to an agreement, but who the hell knows with her. 

School is OUT!!  I think I’m more excited than my kids.  I am loving having hang out time with them, we didn’t have that during the shool year.  As far as school with me, LOVING IT!!!! 

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Filed under Family Time, My thoughts, School

It’s all begining to happen…

I have been given a scholarship for summer quarter!!!  YAY!!!  I’m for real going back to school, and I’m so damn scared!  I haven’t been to any type of school for over 10 years.  When I went to WSU on Monday and met with my academic counselor I looked at all the “young” people and was so intimidated.  Though, I was mistaken for a high school girl (FUCK YEAH BABY!!!!)  I hate to say I hope, because most people use it and put no effort behind it, but I really do hope I do well.  I soooo want out of my current job and the only way for me is going back to school.  I found out that I will have to take the LSAT in the fall, instead of summer, and that has me completely freaked out.  Truly, my ticket out of my current job is the LSAT score, and holy shit I’m so afraid of failure!!  Wish me luck and send good joojoo my way 🙂


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I’m soooo EXCITED!!!

I know I already did a post today, but I couldn’t help myself. I just received a letter from the private school Wy and Chey attend. Rizzi and I were going to put them in public school because we couldn’t afford to send them anymore (Andy stopped paying his full tution cost and it was killin us!) BUT, I just received a notice that the kids were granted a scholarship and we will only have to pay half the tuition!! How fuckin cool is that? Yeah, I’m pretty much dancing right now 🙂

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that has become a habit lately. Not that it’s a bad thing…it’s just that it can make the “real world” a little more difficult. I recently went and had a visit with an Acadmic Counselor at WSU. Turns out I only have a year left for my batchelors and a minor in English. I then will apply for law school….soooo excited to move on with my life and do what I have been “daydreaming” about for close to a decade. I’m scared to not accomplish my goal, as I believe this is so doable and expect alot of myself, but I really hate disappointment. I want to prove to myself that I am able to accomplish this task and make it happen. I have been viewing myself as wasted potential for time now, sick of feeling that way. I have so many excuese I give myself for not going (mortgage, car payment, kids, blah, blah, blah) and I’m done doing it!! I am a true believer of “you can be anything when you grow up?” Good thing I haven’t grown up yet 😉

I meet with the CJ dept on Friday to determine how many courses are necessary for graduation and the advisor is a judge, so hopefully they will be full of advise for me. I am so excited to go, and yes, I know I will be frustrated, want to give up and yell at myself on occasion for putting myself through this torture….but what’s fun if you don’t have a little discomfort right?

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